Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Conducting an Intervention


Why intervene?
It is important that we, the closest to the addict, remember the fact that the addict most usually has a few traumatic events that occurred or are occurring due to his drug abuse/alcoholism. Due to his substance abuse, he may lose his family or his closest friends. It is obvious to anyone why an addict must get into addiction treatment. But not so to the addict. Therefore, we must identify significant problems that the addict faces and use them as leverage to prompt Drug Rehab/Alcohol Rehab. Whether it is Alcoholism/Drug Abuse, the addict needs to win over his addiction.

Facing jail time, the imminent possibility of losing a spouse, a comatose career; all are possible situations that could pressure a person into fighting the addiction and seeking Addiction Treatment. The key here is to identify without doubt, that particular which the addict holds dear to his heart and use that to prod the addict into a decision to seek Addiction Treatment. True, that the addict may use it to get rid of his current tribulation-yet it is still a fact that an addict will only seek Addiction Intervention when something pushes him out of his comfort zone and into a decision.

Who intervenes?
Who is present at the Drug Intervention/Alcohol Intervention is of more importance than the number of people present. Most important is the person the addict most respects, and whose opinions are most highly regarded by the addict. It is this person whose support will be invaluable to the addict in getting rid of his Alcoholism/Drug Abuse help. It is he who would inform the abuser of the actual agenda. Once everyone agrees that the addict needs help and are supportive of the general agenda, all of them can be part of the Addiction Intervention team. It must be emphasized to the addict that his family cherishes him and that they all care for him. Short tempered, antagonistic individuals who can't resist an argument are better if absent in the Addiction Intervention team.

It is possible that the addict will definitely have put off or been scathing to most of the family at some time or the other. There is no doubt that, he will have as many enemies within his family as without. However, arguments will not benefit or prompt the addict to seek Addiction Treatment. Instead, it merely stops the Drug Intervention/Alcohol Intervention in its tracks as the focus shifts to the argument.

Though advisable, the presence of a professional Substance Abuse intervention counselor is not a necessity. The presence of pending legal issues, complete denial of any drug usage, external pressures-all such issues being extremely individual must be intensely considered.

Without trepidation of any sort, the addict must realize that it is all out in the open and acknowledge that they are here to ensure he gets Alcoholism Treatment. Other problems and troubles must not sidetrack the main issue. The family must prepare to help the addict with his Alcoholism/Drug Abuse. People who can intervene for the abuser can either be among his family or in fact anyone and everyone who has a loving, important relationship to the individual. All they have to do is strengthen and motivate the addict into Drug Rehab/Alcohol Rehab. Embarrassment and mortifying the individual are not the best ways to do this.

When to intervene?
The timing of a Drug Intervention/Alcohol Intervention depends more on the events in the addict's life more than with the family schedule. Your best opportunity to intervene for a loved one is just after a major event: like when the abuser has been trapped in the after-effects of his addiction. When caught in a crucial situation or when the addict shows signs of repentance or culpability would be the best time for an intervention. By postponing an Alcoholism Treatment/Drug Treatment indefinitely, we are playing with the addicts' life. Though it is more effective when the addict is suffering a particularly difficult back lash of his addiction, an addict's life cannot be risked by postponing an Addiction Intervention forever. Even in the absence of such trying situations, interventions can be successful if the family and addict are in close proximity so that every state of affairs are known. A major roller coaster, the addict's life and its resultant problems cannot be hidden from close loved ones.

Another major consideration is that the sobriety of the addict during intervention. Attempting any sort of intervention while the addict is on a high, will usually not be productive because the addict is unable to see his problems and will be inattentive.

Timely and well planned intervention is needed as the addict is unhinged and so opportunities for Drug Rehab/ Alcohol Rehab Programs will be quite frequent. The Addiction Intervention must be held with clear concern and unwavering intention and tone. There is no need to commiserate with the addict as empathy is a form of concurrence and may back fire by justifying the addiction.

How to intervene?
Family members of the abuser are often more unfortunate because they are the ones who "enable" the abuser to continue to behave pretty much what ever way he pleases. In their denial of his Alcoholism/Drug Abuse, they walk softly around him,and pretend they can't see what is happening all in the name of keeping peace in the home. By putting their collective foot down, the family has taken the first step to intervening for their beloved addict. Fearing that such behavior reflects on them and can potentially damage their social standing, and otherwise continuing to behave like an ostrich gets them nowhere. They seem to be more scared of the addiction than the change that will take place when the addiction is no more. Still others believe that it is better and easier to handle a devil that you know than a devil you don't. They are terrified in the present situation but do not want to change as they have conjured up more dangerous situations outside the present one.

What is an intervention?
Basically, Addiction Intervention is the step that comes before a person enters the recovery program. A loving get-together, a Drug Intervention/ Alcohol Intervention is about letting the addict realize-that the problems hounding him are due to his habit, and the ill effects on his family. Just the fact that all his loved ones have gathered with one purpose, experiencing the love flowing, will be enough to make any substance abuser realize the need for him to get into recovery. Once he realizes that all of them care for him and want him to get better, he has taken the first step to realizing his self worth. He has to realize that he has so many people loving him for what he is and that he is the luckiest person in the world because of this. The addict must recognize the fact that he has an addiction. It is usually some sort of crisis, a car accident, or a DUI, or even a complete memory loss for days that lead to family and friends talking to the addict to seeking Alcoholism Treatment Drug Treatment. Having a trained professional counselor to work with the family and the abuser often guarantees that the abuser will admit to wanting to go for Drug Rehab/Alcohol Rehab.

An iron hand in a velvet glove, an addiction intervention is an offer of help that comes with the clout of love behind it. Being firm makes all the difference as the addict knows the limits that have been set. The addict has to realize that no matter what the family still loves him in spite of it and feels he deserves help. Being the only thing he has left, they will no longer continue putting up with his behavior. This illness that has overtaken the substance abuser affects the family too. They too have a problem-a substance abuse habit. Their loved one who is abusing a substance becomes their "drug habit". They are thus susceptible to nervous conditions as the addict is their first thought on waking and last thought before retiring. The family too is thus a part of this intervention. They have to commit to getting their loved one into the nearest and most effective Drug Rehab/Alcohol Rehab centre.

Interventions are grounded in the fact that the lack of support from loved ones is unbearable for long. Merely the question of the right support, Alcohol intervention/Drug Intervention put a stop to continued propagating of unhealthy behavior and active addiction. Protection or shielding reality is not the support an addict needs. A detrimental support system for the person allows addiction to progress furtively and in seclusion. Addiction Intervention on the other hand creates a support system that allows the individual to grow and change positively.

Four main intervention goals are:

  1. To realize the nature and degree of substance abuse and the focus of level of treatment and interventions.An addict often compares himself to peers and reaches in the conclusion that he is normal. As a result he never realizes that he has lost control due to his Alcoholism/ Drug Abuse. What he needs in this condition is objective and honest feedback on his behaviour. A skilled counsellor, with the support of family and friends of the addict, can help him realize the situation through the process of drug/alcohol intervention. The interventionist, who gets an idea of the nature and degree of the addiction through meetings with the addict and family, can make constructive opinions on the addict's behaviour. This, to a great extent, may help the addict to realize the actual situation. A drug or alcohol intervention is a bid to help, with the clout of love behind it. Through intervention the addict will understand the limits his dear ones have set and realize the fact that he has a problem and his family loves him in spite of it. More importantly, he will understand that the family will not continue putting up with his behavior. After all relief of suffering, for both the addict and the family, is the primary agenda of any Addiction Intervention. Changing the self-destructive behavior at the source of suffering is always the focus regardless of the form a drug or alcohol intervention may take.The wanted result of the intervention, obviously, is getting the alcoholic or drug abuser to agree that a problem exists and ask for help. The interventionists, at this time, are required to be equipped with enough knowledge on what help would be suitable to that particular person. The result of this intense research usually undermines the danger of the addict declining after treatment causing greater difficulties and further risk as well as continual pain and struggle for those around them.
  2. To comprehend the variety and efficiency of different treatments and interventions that are meant to lessen the dependence on a substance. Advanced and highly effective treatment methods for drug and alcohol addiction are available in a wide range nowadays. A number of treatment and recovery program options can be considered for every patient. With a lot of choices, it would be advisable if those intervening on behalf of the abuser agree on the program or method most suited for the addict. However, ironically, the availability of many makes the selection of an appropriate treatment program a difficult task. Everyone is biologically different and reactions to Alcoholism Treatment/Drug Treatment can be different for each. So, the methods and time of treatment vary from patient to patient as the reaction varies according to the individual. Intervention, through which an expert determines the degree and nature of addiction, plays an important part in selecting an appropriate treatment program. In fact, the roadmap for the treatment program takes shape here.The main goal of all treatment programs is getting addicts to achieve lasting restraint. However, on a closer view, one can see that there are more pressing goals like reducing dependency on drugs so as to develop the patient's capability to function. To get the maximum out of it, intervention needs to be conducted on a sane person. More importantly, the one who undergo intervention needs to remain sober throughout the entire process of intervention. In any case, attempting an intervention while a person is on a high will usually not be productive because the addict can not see many of their problems. So, the treatment starts right with intervention.The intervention team, after deciding on the treatment intended to be proposed to the addict, is required to contact their chosen facility. The admittance procedure, financial obligation and mode of treatment must be thoroughly discussed with the addict as well as the family. Addicts live and die on their chance to recover so this is not a decision to be made on the spur of the moment.
  3. To know more about treatment and intervention providers, effectual programs and suitability of these treatments for that particular abuser.The addict needs to have a good idea of the Alcoholism Treatment/ Drug Treatment programs he is supposed to undergo. Intervention, probably at a later stage, is the right time for giving him this information. Convincing the addict of the effect of the treatment is as important as making him recognize his addiction. Moreover, he can give valuable opinions while selecting an appropriate treatment program. Basically intervention is the step that comes before a person enters the recovering process. However, for many reasons, it can be considered the first and a vital part of the treatment.
  4. To boost community awareness of apt and successful treatment and other intervention programs for substance abuse. Intervention and treatment for alcohol and drug addiction are not at all one-on-one processes. Friends, family, colleagues, and even employer of the addict have their part to play. As the process is highly emotional and requires adequate support from everyone concerned, it is imperative that all have knowledge of the actual process, its goals, and its effects. An awareness of suitable and effective treatment will help them to make good judgements of the behaviour of people with drug dependency and act in accordance with it.People, including family and friends of the addict, often participate in the process of intervention with nervousness and sometimes with frustration and anger. This may be because of their lack of knowledge or because they are not convinced enough of the outcome to put some effort into it. As intervention is a collective effort in every respect everyone who has a say in the process need to be fully aware of it. Timely and well planned intervention is essential for complete recovery from a drug addiction problem. The Addiction Intervention must be held with clear concern in a mild tone. To make the effort a success it is important for all who participate in the intervention to be as clear with their goals as their intention.


You have completed Module 4/Lesson 3